Physical Therapy |
Physical therapy for the disabled rabbit.
How Can Physical Therapy Benefit the Disabled Rabbit?
Physical therapy involves the use of strength-building techniques and exercise to combat a disability. For disabled rabbits, physical therapy has the ability to provide both physical and emotional benefits that can truly make a positive difference in their lives.
As far as physical benefits, physical therapy can:
As far as emotional benefits, physical therapy can:
While the success of physical therapy depends greatly on an individual rabbit's condition and is by no means a cure-all, we believe that it has the potential to be of great benefit to disabled rabbits. Those bunnies that may especially benefit from physical therapy are:
Physical Therapy Options
As advancements in rabbit care continue, there are more and more physical therapy and rehabilitation options being offered to help rabbits with disabilities. Organizations such as the California Animal Rehabilitation Center and the Animal Medical Center of New York offer a wide range of state of the art pet rehabilitation options, and more organizations are offering these services every year.
Conditions they treat:
Services they offer:
As these centers emerge and more advancements in care possibilities are explored, there are more things that we as owners can do to help our disabled rabbits live more comfortable and enriching lives. Talk with a qualified veterinarian about services they may offer or specialized treatments centers they may know of who offer these services.
Here are some examples of these sort of physical therapy treatments in use:
Here are some examples of these sort of physical therapy treatments in use:
Be cautious about doing physical therapy:
- After a meal
- After exercise
- If your rabbit has a fever
- If your rabbit has an infection
- Immediately after surgery (consult your veterinarian before attempting physical therapy)
- When a rabbit is suffering from digestive issues (consult your veterinarian before attempting physical therapy)
- Always conduct physical therapy under the supervision or guidance of a qualified veterinarian.
- Observe your rabbit for signs of feedback. If your rabbit shows eagerness, enjoyment and physical signs of comfort with the activities, those are signs that you are on the right track. If your rabbit is struggling, breathing heavily or showing signs of aggression, it may mean that they are not comfortable with the activities or may need to rest.
- Always let your rabbit be in charge of physical therapy sessions.
- Start slowly. Begin with activities that are easy for your rabbit to do and advance slowly.
- Try to evaluate whether the methods you are using are getting results, and continue what works.